I Got Purple Hair! (not a tutorial but it kinda is)
Hello, everyone. Today, I'm gonna tell you how I got this hair color. I filmed a video of this and will be posting on my YouTube channel soon, but I thought I would write a post about it first.
Step 2 - The next day, I got ready to dye it. I mixed about a tablespoon of Girls Night in with about two tablespoons of Purple Rain and about a 1/4 cup or more of conditioner.
My sister, then helped me dye it with the mixture. I left it on for about an hour and a half. Arctic Fox's dyes are basically a color depositing conditioner, so it's not going to damage your hair if you leave it in for a while. Anyway, that was a total fail and barely even worked at all. I was really upset and kinda just done at this point because I was going for a lavender color and it just wasn't dark enough to be absorbed into my basically orange hair. Hopefully, I will be able to dye it lavender at some point because I still really want lavender-colored hair, but I love the color it ended up being so I'm not that disappointed.
The next day - Step 3 - So, I redyed my hair the next morning with the same dyes and conditioner, but this time I added a lot more of the Purple Rain color. I almost used the rest of the bottle. (I used some of the Girls Night too, just not as much.) I left it in my hair the whole day. I set my stopwatch and it ended up being 6 hours. After I rinsed it out I blow-dried it on cool for a little while, brushed it out and then just let it air dry the rest of the time. It turned out to be this super awesome violet and/or dark magenta color that I really love. I definitely wasn't going for color this bright and noticeable, but I have it now and really like it! So, it's not what I wanted but I'm glad I got it now! Anyway, thanks for reading and a video link will be added to this post soon!
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Manic Panic Flash Lightning 30 Vol. Bleach
Arctic Fox Hair Dye in Purple Rain and Girls Night.
Also, a color conditioner that my mom picked up from Sally's Beauty Supply.
My hair was red before I dyed it, so that's why it came out with a red undertone. It also looks way better in outside lighting, so that's where the picture was taken (obviously).
Anyway, here's how I dyed my hair!
Step 1 - I started with faded red hair with black roots. I didn't bleach my roots because I was going to redye the black parts, but I decided not too because it came out looking okay. Anyway, First, my sister bleached my hair with the Manic Panic Flash Lightning 30 Vol. Bleach and left it in for about 45 minutes. I then rinsed it out, of course, and blow-dried it on cool until it was dry.
Here's how it looked after the bleach.
So, it's kinda orange, but pretty light on the ends.
Here's what it looked like. ----->
Here's the finished color!
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